6 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Real Estate Agent

Choosing a real estate agent is a significant part of your home buying process. While some people may choose to rely on agents recommended by trusted acquaintances, others may prefer being on the lookout for the ideal agent themselves. 


A real estate agent can help sharpen your decision-making process by recommending neighborhoods that fit your preferences, warning you about possible drawbacks, and answering any questions you may have. However, with several inexperienced and underqualified individuals in Kenya posing as real estate agents, you must take your time to make the right choice. 


We have put together a list of essential questions you should ask a prospective real estate agent. The answers you’ll get will determine if they are the right agent for your needs.


1. How long have you been an agent?

When hiring a realtor, the first question you must consider is the realtor’s expertise. It is better to work with an agent who has been in the business for a reasonable amount of time because he would know how to respond to varying situations and proffer suitable solutions than someone just starting. However, this doesn’t in any way degrade those who are still greenhorns in the business; they might fit in just as well.


2. Do you work full-time or part-time as an agent?

While working with a part-time agent is not wrong, you should be wary about how available they can be to care for your needs. However, a full-time agent will devote more time to ensuring your complete satisfaction than someone pursuing it on the side.

Asking this question helps determine how dutiful an agent can be, how committed they would be to your concerns, and how efficiently they would respond.


Our experienced agents at SAIF work full-time and are dedicated to guiding you through every step of acquiring your new, modern home. So why not check out our houses for sale in Nairobi, Kenya. We have quality apartments at Covo Square and Kenzi Westlands. You may also decide to book a free meeting with us.


3. Can I see your valid real estate license?

Anyone can decide to tag themselves as a real estate agent. Still, only those that have gone through specific training and have been exposed to its nitty-gritty are licensed in the field and can call themselves a realtor or one of the qualified property agents in Kenya.


Unfortunately, many people forget to ask this question and get scammed eventually. Working with a licensed professional would make the whole process easier and ensure you don’t give the wrong person access to your sensitive information. 



4. What are your reviews from past clients like?

Reviews from past clients are proof of the agent’s credibility and professionalism. If possible, ask to speak with the clients personally as this could help eliminate any lingering doubt you may have. You could also look up the agent’s portfolio online to see what people are saying about them. 


5. How familiar are you with the neighborhood?

You should work with an agent who knows the ins and outs of the neighborhoods you are interested in. An excellent real estate agent will tell you if the home you have your eye on is likely to be a good investment based on the trends around it. 


They can also tell you important information about the area that might help you make a decision, such as proximity to the best schools for your kids, hospitals in case of an emergency, or public parks for fun and sightseeing.


6. What if I’m not satisfied with your service?

The essence of working with a real estate agent is to derive maximum satisfaction, and this only happens when you successfully seal a deal. This question, as such, is not meant to challenge a realtor but to see how confident they are in their ability to satisfy you. 


If the agent cannot assure you of securing the perfect deals tailored to your homebuying needs, it is advisable to end that business relationship immediately. Only an experienced and confident realtor – one highly knowledgeable in his craft – can help you drive the best bargains in the real estate field. 

2 Responses

  1. We’re expecting a baby, and we’re interested in finding a house for us before our birth, so we’d like to find an agent to help us. My wife and I are glad you explained the importance of checking a realtor’s past customer reviews before hiring one, so we’ll definitely keep this in mind when we interview agents next week. We appreciate your intake in knowing more about an agent’s credibility and professionalism.

  2. I appreciated the tip that you gave to consider the licensing of a real estate agent, and to also check if they have specializations that they are certified in. My friend wants to find a real estate agent for when we are going to sell our home, so the process could go smoothly, and it will be important for me to know that I could trust in who we would choose to hire. When we look for one, I will be sure to consider their specializations and license.

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